Monday, December 16, 2013

Anniversary Date

We celebrated our anniversary early this year.  Brielle took the day off and got to sleep in as late as she wanted.  We had no time constraints, so she slept in.  On a Friday.  This is a really big deal since she usually has to get up before the butt crack of dawn.  We went down to Town Square.  We had a nice leisurely lunch at Kabuki, our favorite Japanese sushi bar.  We then wandered and did some shopping.  After that we went and saw Frozen.  It was a cute movie.  It was tough decision.  There were three movies we wanted to see, but Frozen was the one that suited the relaxed mood we wanted for the day.  After the movie we went and got some Godiva chocolates.  Then we faced the madness of going to the Christmas cactus garden.  It is a cactus garden that they decorate with Christmas lights for December.  They use over half a million lights.  It was spectacular.  There were SO many people.  Everybody was so excited about the lights.  I think everybody felt like a little kid again.  There really is no way to describe the lights.  They should be experienced.  After that we just enjoyed a nice quiet rest of the evening at home.

I must say that I appreciate Brielle very much.  We have been married for two years now.  I thank God every single day for Brielle.  She is the best thing that has happened to me.  Deciding to marry Brielle has been the best decision I have ever made.  I love her very much.  She has made me very happy.  I am so very grateful to have been sealed to her for all of eternity.


We went to St. George for Thanksgiving.  It was so much fun to see family and enjoy over eating.  We got there Wednesday afternoon.  I was greeted by Hunter with a "It's time to play transformers."  Hunter had been waiting for DAYS to play with the transformers and was told he couldn't until Uncle Louis got there.  We had a good trip.  There was an emergency trip the grocery store to get pudding for pies Wednesday night.  Then another trip to Walgreens to get aloe vera since I burned the back of my hand pulling a pizza out of the oven.

Thursday consisted of eating food, more food, and for good measure some more food.  Brielle had made stuffed mushrooms that were a hit.  I found Jackson sitting on the table, holding a spoon, and enjoying the filling for the mushrooms.  Can't say that I blamed him.  Thursday morning also confirmed to me that golf is not my game.  Kevin took me out to the range to hit a few golf balls, and it was fun.  I just can't hit a golf ball to save my life.  Hunter was much better at it than me.  Showed up by a three year old.  Jenny, Brielle, and I took the kids to the park to get them out of the way before dinner.  Apparently it was a common idea because the park was busy.  Thursday night Torry, Jenny, and Brielle went and faced the madness of early Black Friday shopping.  It was a great success from the sounds of it.  While they were facing the cold and crowds, Mom, Phil and I played games.  When the girls got back from shopping we played a cut-throat game of Skip-Bo.

Friday was a relaxed day, at least for me.  I wasn't trying to get packed to leave that day.  We said our good-byes to Kevin, Torry, Phil, Jenny and their fams.  It was sad to see them go.  That night we went to the St. George temple lighting ceremony.  It was a good experience that was enjoyed by all.  Even if Dad did make me carry the blanket home.

Saturday Brielle and I headed down to Bunkerville.  Brielle worked on Christmas crafts/decorations.  She decorated some block letters that spelled out BELIEVE.  She did a fantastic job.  I am so lucky that I have such a craft-y wife.  She has done such a good job of decorating our home for the holidays.  Even if her husband was grumpy about where we were going to put the tree.  She figured it out and I happily helped put it up and decorate it.

Wonder Woman

Our beloved Wonder Woman, our female betta, died.  We had her for two years.  We bought her just before we got married.  She got the name of Wonder Woman because she survived a trip from Bunkerville to Las Vegas.  It was sad to her go.  We do miss her.  We have gotten a new betta, but will always have a special place in our hearts for Wonder Woman.  She was our first pet after all.